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Breakfast Book Club

Sunday 26th September10:30am11:30am
Old Steine Gardens - Social Tent

Grab your breakfast and come along at 10:30am for an informal discussion with the authors of key upcoming titles about what they’ve produced.

First up: Overtime: Why We Need a Shorter Working Week - Will Stronge and Kyle Lewis

As precarity and low pay become further embedded in the job market, at a time when work-related stress and exhaustion are endemic, it is clear that a new, radical approach to employment is required. In Overtime, Kyle Lewis and Will Stronge identify a powerful and practicable response to these worrying trends: the shorter working week.

Will Stronge is co-director of Autonomy, an independent UK think tank focusing on issues relating to the future of work.

Co-director and researcher


Co-author of Overtime: why we need a shorter working week.

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Lipman Miliband TrustRosa Luxemburg Stiftung LondonBarry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust
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