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From Crisis to Justice: Resistance and Solidarity in the Face of Multiple Global Crises

Monday 27th September5pm6pm

The world is facing multiple global crises - from the pandemic and vaccine apartheid, to the climate emergency and debt crisis. It is vital we address how these issues are deeply connected and perpetuate extraction, exploitation and profiteering at the expense of the global south. Instead of fighting these issues one by one or on a national basis only, we need to build connected movements that challenge the underlying global economic system if we are to achieve global justice.

This event is happening online - register using the button to the right to be sent the link in advance.


Caribbean Policy Development Centre

Shaista Aziz is a journalist, writer, comedian, and Labour councillor for Oxford city council. She is one of the 'Three Hijabis' who's petition calling for racists to be banned from all football matches in England was signed by more than a million people.

Nnimmo Bassey is a representative of the Health of Mother Earth Foundation (Nigeria) – www.homef.org

Executive Director, Jubilee Debt Campaign

Head of Policy, Global Justice Now

CEO Health Poverty Action

Sponsoring Organisations:
Health Poverty Action works in solidarity with health workers, activists, and communities worldwide to improve health and fight against the causes of poverty.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organisations in our educational and research work:
Lipman Miliband TrustRosa Luxemburg Stiftung LondonBarry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust
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