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The German elections: What do the results mean for the Left?

Monday 27th September6:30pm7:30pm

On the 26th of September Germans will go to the polls. In this – the first election after Merkel – lots is up for grabs, with the outcome far from clear or predictable. The polls have shown huge swings, with no clear heir to Merkel appearing to emerge. In Berlin, citizens will also vote on a referendum to convert tens of thousands of flats owned by large real-estate companies into publicly owned social housing. A new era of German politics is emerging, with huge opportunities, but also risks for the left – come along and find out what the election results mean for the left.

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Project Manager Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung London

Dr Albert Scharenberg worked as journalist for the German monthly “Journal for German and International Politics”. From 2012-18, he served as co-director of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung’s New York office. He currently works and writes for the foundation on international politics.

Janna Aljets is a climate justice activist, as well as a speaker and consultant for socio-ecological transformation. She was the press spokesperson of „Ende Gelände“ and founded the campaign and action „Sand im Getriebe“ challenging the automotive industry in Germany.

Dr. Kerem Schamberger is a communications scholar and activist. In the federal elections, he ran for a direct mandate for the Left Party in the south of Munich.

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We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organisations in our educational and research work:
Lipman Miliband TrustRosa Luxemburg Stiftung LondonBarry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust
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