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How to Build Community Wealth Where You Are

Tuesday 28th September11am12:30pm
Old Steine Gardens - North Tent

Community Wealth Building (CWB) has been used with remarkable success in many places, including Preston and North Ayrshire, delivering meaningful economic, social and environmental benefits for communities.

CWB isn’t a mysterious economic theory, but is built on principles of advancing a democratic economy with local ownership at its heart, keeping wealth and opportunity circulating among people on the ground. Learn how YOU can be part of building CWB approaches in your community in this interactive, hands on session. We’ll review the main concepts of CWB and break out into small groups to discuss practical opportunities to push for CWB in your communities.


Matthew Brown is a Labour councillor and leader of Preston City Council


Senior global adviser and community wealth building fellow at Democracy Collaborative

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organisations in our educational and research work:
Lipman Miliband TrustRosa Luxemburg Stiftung LondonBarry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust
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