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Sarah Everard, State Violence and Gender

Saturday 25th September3pm4:30pm
Old Steine Gardens - Big Tent

The violent policing of the Sarah Everard vigil earlier this year left many asking the question: do police actually keep women safe? This session will begin from that catalyst moment, and expand into discussing how the police, prison and border regimes all serve to reinforce gendered oppression. We will also explore how the gendering and racialisation of “innocence” has been used as fuel for attacks on marginalised communities - from clampdowns on sex workers and undocumented migrants, to state violence against men of colour and against trans women.

This event will be recorded. Subscribe to the TWT Youtube to make sure not to miss it once it's up!


Moya is politics editor at gal-dem zine.


Liv Wynter is a live artist and writer whose work centres around radical action, community, rage, and power and their commitment to antifascist, antisexist, and anticapitalist organising. They are a peer support coordinator at Hearts & Minds, have done support work at The Outside Project and host the notorious award-winning Queer House Party.

Dalia Gebrial is a PhD candidate at the London School of Economics, and an editor at Novara Media.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following organisations in our educational and research work:
Lipman Miliband TrustRosa Luxemburg Stiftung LondonBarry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust
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